So at 11pm I felt kind of... ewy, like my stomach was starting to hurt. I tried to ignore it and just went to bed (knowing what I was in for). Woke up at 1:30 and it was starting to hurt REAL bad... again, tried to ignore it. Wasn't happening, I was in so much freaking pain I wanted to get a knife and cut it out myself! I told DH I HAVE to go the ER because I'm not gonna survive this one. I would have much rather been in labor all over again, because it did not hurt nearly this bad (and I had a NATURAL childbirth lol)! We loaded up the kids and went to the ER - I was in soooooo much pain I made him drive like 50 and run all the redlights (it was 2am by now -dead out!). Thank GOD the hospital is not even 3 minutes from the house! So we get there, he drops me off so I can get in there and parks. They take us back and the nurse does all the typical stuff. Leaves, comes back tries to get an IV going - about kills me with that, she couldn't get it and gave up. Doctor comes in and I've been there like an hour and the pain is much much better at this point. Talks to me, feels around and says, "Your other two doctors didn't think you have a gallbladder problem? You have all the right symptoms, the right area, and you just had a baby, it's a perfect fit!".. UM, THANK YOU, That's what I've been saying! So he has them run some blood work to make sure it's nothing else - HOURS later he comes back and something in my blood pointed him to my gallbladder even more. So he gave me a referral to the imaging center. Supposed to call at 7 to get an appt for today or tomorrow to confirm that it is that. Then I'll have to schedule surgery.
We talked about the surgery and the baby... he said that the gallbladder isn't a huge deal like health wise - I won't die tomorrow from it but it sucks pain wise. However he felt it would be better if I waited till the baby was older to get it done (because of breastfeeding) and the fact I may not be able to for a while because of meds & "healing". Soooo he was thinking I should try to hold off for 4-6 months. He gave me a huge pamplet on what to NOT eat to keep me from having problems and some meds to take should I have one. It will calm my gallbladder and stop the pain. Down side to the meds - after I take them I can't nurse for 4 hours! So... yeah, not good. Then once Hunter is old enough to go a while without eating we can do the surgery. Unless I keep having attacks and the meds don't help then I just need to get it done.
My poor husband he was soooo scared tonight, he thought for sure they were going to hall me off and do it right then and there. He was like OMG I have no milk for Hunter, he's never even been offered a bottle you know he won't take it lol. So it was a huge relief that we can wait a while longer.
Sucks I might have to deal w/ pain longer BUT I'll just watch my diet close and hell maybe this "paper and water" diet will help me lose a bunch of weight! Gotta look at it positively right?
Anyway, I'm still feeling pretty crappy - can't lay down, it hurts. So I'm gonna go watch some tube! Oh yeah... I got serious cuff hickies lol! I'll have to post a picture of that later!
Monday, July 20, 2009
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